Linkedin & eHarmony passwords compromised

Millions of Linkedin and eHarmony passwords have been compromised per various news reports circulating on the Internet and via other media.  Hackers have managed to decipher hundreds of thousands of these passwords and are progressing through them at a rapid pace.

ITS highly recommends changing your password on these services if you utilize them.  In addition, and more importantly, if your Holy Cross network password, passwords you use for third-party College systems, online banking, Facebook or other passwords resemble the ones you utilize for Linkedin or eHarmony, it is extremely important that you change those as well.

Please also be on the alert that scammers are utilizing these breaches to trick you into providing them with your personal information.  There are reports of phishing emails, purporting to be from Linkedin, telling you to change your password, and sending you to a non-Linkedin website to do so.   Instead of clicking links in emails, visit the sites directly by typing in the URL manually.

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